Is Fentanyl Lipid Soluble?
Fentanyl has an octanol-water partition coefficient of 9550. This indicates a very lipid soluble compound. In comparison, morphine has a octanol-water partition coefficient of 6.
Since fentanyl is highly lipid soluble, it is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier quickly. Therefore, the effects of fentanyl are immediate, and short lived.
Fentanyl is used to manage chronic pain, usually associated with cancer. It is prescribed after the patient develops tolerance to other opioid treatments.
Side Effects
Side effects of fentanyl include weak, shallow breathing, weakness, confusion and cold hands. Swelling of the face, lips or tongue may indicate an allergic reaction to the drug.
Fentanyl can interact with other drugs such as aprepitant, diltiazem, verapamil, clarithromycin, erythromycin, fluconazole and fosamprenavir.
Patients who use an MAO inhibitor must wait 14 days before taking fentanyl. The MAO inhibitor must clear the body before fentanyl is taken.