Negative Effects of Prempro
Most Common Side Effects
According to an eMed TV article by Kristi Monson, PharmD, and Arthur Schoenstadt, MD, the most common undesirable side effects of Prempro are tender breasts in up to 38 percent of women, headaches in up to 36 percent of women and stomach pain in up to 21 percent of women. Eleven to 14 percent of women experience back pain, joint pain and nausea. Although there is no clinical evidence that links Prempro to weight gain, it may cause fluid retention which can result in bloating.
Less Common Side Effects
Not surprisingly, less common side effects are often feminine in nature and may include painful menstrual cramps, yeast infections, breast enlargement, vaginal discharge, and vaginal bleeding that often diminishes with time. Less common effects may also may include general weakness, sinus infections, coughing, diarrhea, gas, leg cramps and dizziness.
Rare, Serious Side Effects
Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, stroke, heart attack and blood clots are all among the rare side effects of Prempro, according to Monson and Schoenstadt. They also list dementia, anxiety, depression, gallbladder disease and allergic reactions--which can escalate--such as hives, rashes, wheezing, swelling and difficulty swallowing. If you cough up blood or experience sharp chest pain, blurred or double-vision, severe headaches, pain or swelling in your legs, numbness, dark urine, yellowing in your eyes or other alarming symptoms, see a doctor immediately.
Uterine Cancer
As a hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Prempro doubles the risk of uterine, or endometrial, cancer, according to They explain that the normal risk of uterine cancer for a 50-year-old woman entering menopause is 2.5 percent. The risk doubles to 5 percent with HRT. The longer you are on HRT, the greater the risk. However, women who take HRT, even if they develop uterine cancer, tend to live longer than women who never take hormone replacement therapy.
Breast Cancer
If a woman has been off HRT for five or more years, she has no increased risk of breast cancer, according to an analysis of 51 published epidemiologic studies on breast cancer cited by It appears, they say, that estrogen exposure "promotes the growth of preexisting disease, rather than stimulating the formation of a new cancer."
Drug and Disease Interactions
As with any medication, Prempro's interaction with other drugs may cause unexpected effects. Also, it may exacerbate pre-existing diseases and conditions, such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.