Safety of Benzodiazepines for Patients on Suboxone

Buprenorphine and naloxone combine to form the prescription medication Suboxone. Doctors prescribe Suboxone to treat a dependence on opiods and the accompanying symptoms of withdrawal. The medicinal class of benzodiazepines includes drugs used to treat anxiety conditions, depression, muscle spasms, and seizures.
  1. Opiods

    • Opiods attach to brain receptors and release the pleasure inducing neurotransmitter dopamine. This gives the opiod taker a pleasurable high. But when the opiod leaves the receptors, the dopamine flow cuts off and withdrawal symptoms commence.


    • The buprenorphine in Subxone replaces the opiod at the receptor to minimize the withdrawal symptoms. This also blocks the path for opiods that may want to attach to the receptors.


    • According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, benzodiazepines work by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA. Excess GABA slows nerve pulses, creating a sedative or anti-anxiety effect.


    • Benzodiazepines include Ativan, Librium and Valium.

    Drug Interaction

    • There are safety risks in taking Suboxone concurrently with benzodiazepines. The combination can lead to sedation, unconsciousness, or death. If the medications are taken together, it must be done under the close supervision and direction of a doctor.

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