What Is Sulindac's Pharmacological Effect?
The enzyme cyclooxygenase begins the production cycle of the prostaglandin hormone. Prostaglandin causes inflammation and increases the signals of pain sent by the body. Sulindac decreases cyclooxygenase activity, thus minimizing the production of prostaglandin.
Sulindac becomes effective in less than one hour and can last 12 to 24 hours. Your body absorbs 90 percent of the medication. Of the remaining 10 percent, 50 percent is expelled through urination and 25 percent through defecation.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, adults may take up to 400 milligrams per day. You can take 150 to 200 milligrams twice daily or 300 to 400 milligrams once a day.
Drug Interactions
Sulindac may interact with anticoagulants, corticosteroids and ACE inhibitors.
Side Effects
Possible Sulindac side effects include headache, rash and heartburn. Severe side effects include renal failure, palpitation and psychosis.