What to Do for Retin-A Burns?
Frequency of Usage
Side effects of Retin-A can range from peeling skin, a stinging or warm sensation where applied, redness and burning to severe swelling, tightness in the chest or even difficulty breathing. However, most reactions are mild and will consist of flaking, irritated skin that feels or looks burned.
It typically takes three to six weeks for a patient to see improvement in using Retin-A. But before that happens, the skin condition--such as acne--usually gets worse. If you are in the early stages, you may need to continue taking the Retin-A until your skin acclimates to the medicine. But discuss your symptoms with your doctor and ask if you can scale back on how frequently you apply Retin-A. If you're using it twice a day, for instance, he may agree that once a day is sufficient to treat the acne and lessen the burning it is causing.
Natural Pain Relievers
Treat the burn as you would a sunburn, but avoid using anything oily. Greasy substances--such as butter or petroleum jelly--coat the skin, seal in the heat and can even slow the skin's healing.
No pain reliever is permanent. Although you may have to use a treatment more than once, some homeopathic remedies for burn include rinsing the burn in cold tea; applying a paste of cornstarch and water for 20 minutes; soaking a cloth in ice-cold water and placing it directly on the burned skin; splashing a rinse of baking soda dissolved in cold water on the affected skin and allowing it to dry; placing slices of cold cucumber on the affected area; applying vinegar with a cotton ball; smearing yogurt on the burn and rinsing off when it no longer feels cool; and resting a frozen bag of peas, wrapped in a cloth, on the burned skin.
OTC Pain Relievers
If the pain is causing great discomfort, an over-the-counter pain medication for inflammation--such as Ibuprofen--can be used to give some relief. However, it is important to follow dosage directions to avoid taking too much. Additionally, you can use a lotion or cream directly on the skin to soothe the burn. Remember to avoid greasy products--this is doubly important if you are using Retin-A for acne. Look for an aloe vera-based product or a water-based moisturizer such as Eucerin, which has been clinically proven to reduce skin irritation from Retin-A.
Be Gentle on Skin
As with any burn, avoid harsh soaps or cleansers, and do not scrub the affected area. While this can worsen acne, it can also irritate the skin further and interfere with proper healing. Instead, wash gently with your fingers and pat dry with a soft towel.