Define Pharmacological Effect
The term "pharmacology" originates from the Greek words "pharmakos" (medicine or drug) and "logos" (study). Thus, pharmacology is the study of drugs, including their origin, properties, actions, and interactions. The phrase "pharmacological effect" generally refers to the effect of a chemical on a living system, such as the human body. "Pharmacodynamics" is another equivalent term.
Possible Effects
Pharmacological effects can be therapeutic, toxic, or lethal. The term "therapeutic effect" describes a situation whereby a drug successfully treats a given condition. Toxicity, on the other hand, results from harmful pharmacological effects. Lethal (deadly) effects are often related to dosage.
Mechanism of Action
While details vary for different drugs, their mechanism of action typically involves receptors and effectors. Receptors are the specific substances that interact with drugs in the body. Effectors then translate that interaction into specific changes in the body, thus producing pharmacological effects.
Absorption of Drugs
The route of administration of a drug has an impact on its pharmacological effect. This is because drugs need to be transported from their point of entry in the body to the target (diseased) tissue or organ. The amount of drug available at the actual site of action therefore depends on whether it was given orally, rectally, by injection, through the skin, or otherwise.
Drug Distribution
Another factor that influences pharmacological effect is how well a drug is distributed to target sites in the body. Distribution can vary with the size of the target tissue, blood flow to that tissue, and drug solubility.
Drug Metabolism and Elimination
Pharmacological effect also depends on drug metabolism, or the body's actions on a drug. Metabolism of a drug can have various effects including: reducing phamacological effect; terminating the drug's action, or even resulting in a more toxic substance. Pharmacological effects usually have a limited duration because the body ultimately eliminates and excretes the medicines it receives.