The Difference Between Deca & Equipoise
Deca-Durabolin Use
Deca-Durabolin, or nandrolone decanoate, is a progestin steroid that produces very high anabolic activity and significant mass increase with milder and fewer side effects than some other steroids. It has been used to treat anemia in cancer and renal failure patients, as well as wasting in AIDS and HIV patients. It is also used to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. The drug improves the body's production of collagen and bone mineral content, and is sometimes used by athletes experiencing joint pain or issues with connective tissues.
Deca Durabolin Side Effects and Risks
The side effects of Deca Durabolin include increased blood pressure, water retention and when dosages exceed 400-600 mg per week, some individuals may experience heightened blood pressure, prolonged bleeding of cuts, increased oil production leading to acne and breakouts, increased hostility, increased sex drive and a fall in sperm production, as well as frequent headaches. Long-term use of Deca Durabolin can cause erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular damage and reduced sexual desire. Women who exceed a dosage of 100 mg per week may experience deepening of the voice, increased body and facial hair and an increase in the size of the clitoris. Deca-Durabolin is present in the body 18 months or longer.
Equipoise Use
Equipoise, also known as a boldenone undecyclenate injection, is a testosterone derivative steroid compound intended for use in horses. Although it is not known to be a rapid mass-builder, it leads to increased appetite, weight gain and vigor, as well as improvements in musculature and haircoat. When it is illegally used in humans, it is said to lead to increased stamina and vascularity or prominent, visible veins as well as slow but steady gains in strength and muscle with very few estrogen-related side effects.
Equipoise Side Effects and Risks
In horses, possible side effects include masculinization and aggressive behavioral, effects that make the animal difficult to handle. Symptoms may persist for six to eight weeks after treatment is stopped in these cases. When illegally used by humans long term and in high dosages it use can cause side side effects such as oily skin, acne and increased body and facial hair. Equipoise is detectable in urine even months after its use.