How to Get Your HCG Level Up
Things You'll Need
- Reconstitution syringe
- Intramuscular syringe
- Alcohol wipes
Preparing the Injection
Consult your physician regarding exact prescription amounts for your condition. Always follow your physician's dosing instructions.
Open the reconstitution syringe from its sealed packet and remove the needle cap. This syringe is different from the intramuscular needle that will be used to inject the HCG.
Remove the flip cap sealing the solvent vial and the powder vial. Insert the needle into the powder vial and draw back the plunger to the amount prescribed by your doctor, removing the sterile air within the vial. This may be anywhere from 1 cc to 10 cc.
Remove the needle from the vial and insert it into the solvent vial. Depress the plunger on the syringe to inject the air into the solvent vial.
Turn the vial upside down with the needle still inserted. Draw off the prescribed amount of solvent.
Remove the needle from the solvent vial and reinsert it into the powder vial. Depress the syringe plunger to inject the solvent into the powder vial.
Remove and discard the reconstitution needle. Do not use it to inject yourself.
Swirl the solvent and powder until the solution is clear and free of visible particles. Do not shake the vial. Do not use the contents of the vial if it is not clear and free of particles.
Open a new, sterile intramuscular syringe and remove the needle cap. Insert the needle into the vial containing the powder and solvent mixture.
Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your prescribed amount, keeping the needle below the level of the solution to avoid air bubbles.
Remove the needle and hold it pointing upward. Gently tap the side of the needle to loosen any air bubbles. Depress the plunger until a drop of the HCG solution appears on the tip of the needle.
Administering the Injection
Clean a 2-inch area in the upper quadrant of your left or right hip with an alcohol wipe. Allow the area to dry for one minute.
Stretch the skin of the injection site with one hand. Start approximately 3 inches from the skin. Use a quick thrust and insert the needle at a 90 degree angle.
Pull back on the plunger slightly. Depress the plunger slowly until you have injected all the HCG.
Remove the needle quickly and cover the injection site with a alcohol wipe until bleeding, if any, at the injection sight stops.
Dispose of the needle as directed by your physician. Never reuse a needle.