Reclast Patient Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Water or hydrating solution
- Calcium supplement
- Vitamin D
Submit to blood work at a laboratory affiliated with your medical provider. Blood will be taken to measure your serum calcium level and creatinine clearance. Treatment can be given if the serum calcium is in the normal range and the creatinine clearance is greater than or equal to 35 mL/min.
Drink at least 2 glasses of water or hydrating solution within 2 to 3 hours of your scheduled treatment appointment. Check in for your appointment at the clinic, doctor's office or hospital at least 15 minutes prior.
Position yourself in the bed or chair as directed by the medical professional.
Present your left or right arm to the medical personnel. A piece of rubber tubing will be knotted above your elbow. Make a fist and gently squeeze and release a few times. You may be provided with a ball to squeeze during this step. The medical personnel will feel your arm to determine an appropriate place for the intravenous line to be inserted.
Hold your arm still while the medical personnel wipes your arm with an alcohol pad, dries the area with gauze and inserts the IV needle into your arm and corresponding vein. Once in place, the needle will be secured with medical tape to prevent shifting during treatment.
Remain in a seated or reclining position while the medical personnel attaches the IV tubing and Reclast solution to your IV needle. You will need to stay in this position for approximately 15 minutes while 5 mg of the solution is administered. After the infusion is completed, the medical personnel may flush the IV line with 10 mL of saline.
Hold your arm still while the medical personnel detaches the IV tubing and removes the tape and IV needle. Apply pressure to the needle entry point until a compression bandage is placed over the area. Leave this bandage in place for at least 1 hour after treatment has been completed.