How to Cope With Raynaud's Syndrome
If you've been diagnosed with Raynaud's then you are likely looking for ways to keep your fingers, toes and other affected areas from experiencing the extreme pain of the disease. While there is no cure for the disease, there are a few things people with Raynaud's can do to prevent symptoms from appearing.Instructions
Dress warmly, even if you're only going from the house to the car. Wear a hat to prevent heat from escaping from your head. Always wear mittens or gloves. Layer your feet with two or three pairs of socks.
Start your car about 10 minutes before leaving. Turn on the heater and allow the car to warm.
Put gloves on your hands while taking cold items, such as ice cream, out of the freezer.
Place your hands under your arms and your feet behind your knees for a quick warm-up when they are starting to get cold.
Run warm water over your fingers and toes if you feel them starting to get cold.
Hold cold soda, beer and other drinks in a koozies. If you don't have a koozie, then wrap drinks with paper towel.
Consider moving to a warm climate if you symptoms are severe.