How to Treat Prader-Willi Syndrome
Supervise your child's diet strictly. He will eat anything and everything in sight if not watched carefully. Make sure you provide healthy foods and dietary supplements and work with the child's doctor to create a diet to keep him within normal weight guidelines. Obesity is unavoidable if steps are not taken to control food intake.
Place your child on hormone therapy for if he exhibits some of the symptoms common to PWS sufferers. Some of these are growth hormones, hormones to increase muscle mass and hormone treatment to create normal levels of sex hormones. See a specialist to make sure your child receives the proper treatment for his individual needs.
Enforce strict routines to accommodate the emotional upset in the child brought on by his inability to cope with change. Maintain an active exercise regimen to help with weight control and added muscle mass. It may be necessary to lock kitchen cupboards because the child will take any opportunity to eat because of the obsessive nature of the disease.
Make sure your child has the necessary educational and emotional help he needs, whether he attends a public or private school. The teachers must be made aware of special needs, and if necessary, a special educational program should be considered. PWS children tend to be obsessive-compulsive, pick at their hair and skin, hoard possessions and have temper tantrums.
Consider psychotropic drug treatment if the psychological and emotional problems are severe and the child does not respond to behavioral therapy. He will also have to learn coping skills and undergo speech, physical and occupational therapies. People with this disease will need diet supervision for their entire lives and cannot live alone. Prepare them to cope with life's challenges so they will be able to live happy, productive lives.