Define Rhinophyma

Also called bulbous nose, rhinophyma is a condition in which the nose becomes large, red and bulb-shaped. It is a rare condition that may be a severe form of rosacea.
  1. Occurrence

    • The visual appearance of this condition brings to mind the rosy complexion of alcoholics, but rhinophyma is not caused by or is more common in those who consume the drink in large quantities. Men are more likely to develop the condition than women.


    • Symptoms of this condition involve the nose's appearance, such as the bulbous shape, a thickening of the skin and a waxy, yellow surface.


    • Rhinophyma can be diagnosed with a simple visual examination. Due to the unique appearance of this condition, there is usually no need for any additional tests.


    • The best way to treat rhinophyma is to undergo plastic surgery in order to reshape the nose to a more acceptable and pleasing appearance.


    • Although surgery can correct rhinophyma, it is possible for the condition to return.

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