Grey Hair in Children
Why Hair Greys
Hair begins to turn grey when the melanocytes, cells in each hair follicle to determine hair color, grow inactive. This process is a normal part of mature adulthood but can be seen in children in rare cases.
Premature greying of hair (also known as canities) is most commonly linked to genetic inheritance. If your child is exhibiting this trait, chances are someone else in your family had prematurely grey hair as well.
Vitamin Deficiency
Another possible cause of this condition is a deficiency of vitamin B12. This can occur from eating a very strict vegan diet or from inadequate absorption of vitamin B12 caused by surgery or certain illnesses.
Childhood greying can be a symptom of one of a few disorders. Among these are several disorders of the thyroid, including hyperthyroidism, disorders regarding skin pigmentation, most notably vitiligo, and Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome, the result of a virus.
Hair Dyes
Premature grey hair can easily be masked using certain dyes. Vegetable dyes are a safer alternative to chemical dyes, which may have links to skin cancer.