Exercises for Erectile Disfunction
Cardiovascular Exercise
As men get older, their bodies get sorer easier, and they have less time to work out. They oten let their bodies degrade a little, gain a little weight and get a little out of shape. It's so hard to get back into shape that most men don't even bother. This results in decreased blood flow throughout the body, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Try to do a little walking, jogging, running or any other cardiovascular exercise. Even doing 20 jumping jacks a day will increase your blood flow.
Pelvis Contractions
One useful exercise to perform to treat your erectile dysfunction is pelvic contractions. This is a simple exercise to do. Lie on your back someplace comfortable. This is important because you don't want to damage your back while working out. If you must lie on the floor, use a blanket or cushion to comfort you. Bend your knees and keep them a little bit apart, feet flat on the ground. Now tighten your pelvic muscles closest to the floor. Do this quickly and strongly. Hold your muscles for as long as 10 seconds. Once you've loosened your muscles, relax for 10 seconds. Do three sets of pelvic contractions twice a day.
Lying Pump
The lying pump is a yoga exercise that improves blood flow throughout your pelvis. This might be more difficult for people who are out of shape. Lie on the floor. Breathe deeply and evenly throughout the exercise. This is important to get the right effect. Now, push the small of your back into the floor to help avoid straining your lower back. Take a few breaths, and raise your right leg slowly while you breathe in. This must be done slowly and cannot be done erratically. Hold it for five breaths and then lower it slowly as you breathe out. Time your exercise by your breaths. Repeat on your left side. Repeat this process up to 10 times.
Squats are one of the best exercises for your lower body. They help build muscle mass in your legs, which helps increase the blood flow to your lower body. More blood to your groin will give your lower area more energy to help avoid repeats of erectile dysfunction. Squats are simple. Put your hands on your waist and bend your knees outward. Keep a straight back and go as close to the floor as you feel comfortable. Don't strain yourself. Try to do around five to 10 reps a day. You will eventually feel the results.
Chair Contractions
Sit in a chair. Do not rest your back against the chair but keep it straight. Breathe deeply. Now try to lift your testicles by contrasting your pelvic muscles. Like the pelvic floor contraction, hold this position as long as you can but don't exceed 10 seconds. After relaxing, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat three contractions twice a day. This is a great exercise to perform in concert with the pelvic floor contractions.