What Is Myelodysplasia Disease?
Symptoms of Myelodysplasia Disease
MDS usually occurs in people older than 60. The most common symptoms are anemia, bruising and bleeding. Most deaths result from blood loss or infection. Symptoms begin gradually, sometimes over years, but become more aggressive toward the end of life.
Diagnosis of Myelodysplasia Disease
Blood screenings and bone marrow analysis are used to determine whether someone has MDS. The condition is similar to diseases such as standard anemia or leukopenia.
Treatment of Myelodysplasia Disease
Treatments designed to encourage red blood cell growth are used in MDS. Blood transfusions and medications designed to stimulate blood cell growth and maturity may be used. There is hope that stem cell transplants will help those with MDS as it is further researched.
Prognosis For People With Myelodysplasia Disease
About one-third of the people suffering from MDS develop acute myelogenous leukemia, a very difficult cancer to treat.
Famous Ties
Scientist Carl Sagan and author Roald Dahl died from MDS.