How to get warm after a Raynaud's attack
Most people with Raynaud's know how to prepare for cold weather by wearing extra layers of clothes, but such simple things as drinking something cold, or picking up something out of the refrigerator or freezer can trigger a Raynaud's attack.
When a severe attack occurs, you can lose feeling in all of your fingers and toes and the rest of your body can start to lose body heat. Here are some tips on what to do when you have a severe Raynaud's attack.
If you can get to a warmer location, do so. Go inside if you are outside. Turn your heater up if you need to until you get warm.
Take off any wet clothes.
Run your fingers under warm water. Resist the urge to turn the water to the hottest setting. Placing your hands under too hot water will shock the system and could scold your skin.
If your extremities are not covered, cover them. Socks, gloves and hats can help keep your body heat from escaping.
If you can put on another layer of clothes, do so. Adding a sweatshirt or sweatpants can make a big difference.
If your toes are not too numb, get up and move around. This will help stimulate the blood flow in your body. As your body heat decreases, you will begin to get drowsy and you won't want to move around. However, doing so will help you get warmer faster.
Hold you arms out to your sides parallel with the floor and move them in quick, small circles. This will also help stimulate blood flow. Wiggling your fingers or toes can also help.
Drink or eat something warm to help increase your body heat. Since caffeine can constrict your blood vessels, avoid coffee and hot chocolate.