How to Spot Symptoms of Huntingtons Disease
Things You'll Need
- Observe, understanding
Look for uncontrollable muscular movements, such as twitching of the arms, hands face that were not there before. You suddenly face a lack of concentration. It becomes more difficult to do and to accomplish things and it is becoms difficult to focus on simple tasks. The mind starts to wander. Things that use to be easily accomplished, like remembering how to wash the dishes is becoming a difficult task. You find that your mind starts to wander and your attention span is decreased.
Depression sets in where it was never there before. There is not a cause for you feeling depressed, yet you feel that the problems that you are facing are overwhelming. That once easy going feeling that you were able to cope with everyday small distractions and tasks are becoming depressive. You are not finding the joy that you once held with your children, watching a sunset, or even watching your favorite television show. It feels as if the weight of the world has descended upon your shoulders and you can not shake the feeling. You have difficulty sleeping and your eating habits have changed. You no longer smile.
Lose short term memory--you parked your car and cannot locate it. You forgot where you put your wedding rings the night before. You cannot remember if you have brushed your teeth or not.
Coordination in walking, frequent stumbling or clumsiness begin to happen at frequent intervals. You were always coordinated, you never lost your balance, you were always sure handed and now these simple tasks are troublesome and an effort to complete.
Experience difficulty forming words and speaking. Trying to speak, you sometimes start to forget which words you wanted to say, some of them are becoming difficult to pronounce, yet these were words that you have used all your lifetime and now they are becoming harder to remember and even harder to express yourself to your loved ones and your friends and family.
Difficulty in swallowing your food. Eating has become a chore at times. You are experiencing a gagging feeling when you try to swallow, it feels as if your throat is closing up and you cannot even get liquid down to your stomach. You are not enjoying your meals, because they are no longer a source of pleasure but a chore that is difficult and upsetting to accomplish.
Rapid unexplained weight loss. You suddenly start a rapid loss in weight, you are not dieting, you haven't changed your eating habits, but the weight starts coming off.
Rapid mood swings that are uncommon to your personality, frustrations at not being able to complete simple tasks, emotional swings in your mood. You are happy one moment then something small sets you off and you become angry, no one has done anything particular to make you angry your mood swings like a pendulum. You become frustrated because you find yourself unable to complete simple tasks. You find yourself smiling one moment and then depressed and crying the next for no apparent reason.