How to Manage Russell-Silver Syndrome

Russell-Silver syndrome is a disorder that exhibits symptoms at birth such as short height, asymmetrical body length, slow growth and low birth weight. Seven to 10 percent of patients that have this disorder also have a maternal uniparental disomy chromosome defect although there may not be a family history of this illness. There are several management techniques available today that may be used in conjunction with one another.


  1. Have Your Child Examined

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      Perform a physical exam on the child to see if the child needs growth hormone replacement therapy.

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      Schedule a nutritionist appointment for the patient since she needs to eat a certain amount of calories each day.

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      Inform the parents that the child may need physical therapy in order to utilize her entire body.

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      Help the parents find a physical therapist near their home if possible.

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      Inform parents that they might have to enroll their child into special educational classes.

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      Tell the patient's parents that the child may not always exhibit symptoms of the disease. Some patients only exhibit learning disabilities but are still intelligent.

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