The Effects of Nuclear Radiation Exposure

Nuclear radiation exposure can cause serious health problems up to and including cancer. Effects of nuclear radiation exposure vary by organ and how much radiation the person is exposed to. While it may be frightening to read about, knowing the effects of nuclear radiation exposure are important if you are ever in situations where you are exposed to nuclear radiation. Knowing the warning signs of radiation sickness could save your life.
  1. First Signs

    • The first signs of nuclear radiation exposure are nausea and vomiting. After these symptoms disappear, a person exposed to nuclear radiation will have several days of apparent good health with no symptoms at all. A person with serious exposure to nuclear radiation will begin experiencing more troubling symptoms after this period.

    Mild Exposure

    • Mild radiation exposure is defined as being between one and two grays (the unit of measure used for radiation exposure). Symptoms of mild exposure include headache, weakness, fatigue, vomiting and nausea occurring between one and two days after exposure.

    Moderate Exposure

    • Moderate radiation exposure is defined as exposure between 2 and 3 1/2 grays. Under moderate exposure, nausea and vomiting begin between 12 and 24 hours after exposure. In addition to mild exposure symptoms, other symptoms include quick hair loss in clumps, fever, infections, vomiting blood, blood in the stool, slow healing of wounds. Moderate exposure is fatal in those most sensitive to radiation sickness.

    Severe Exposure

    • Severe exposure is defined as exposure between 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 grays. Vomiting and nausea begin as quickly as one hour after exposure. In addition to the symptoms suffered at lower exposures, effects of severe nuclear radiation exposure include high fever and diarrhea. Severe exposure to radiation ends in fatalities in approximately half of all cases.

    Very Severe Exposure

    • Very severe radiation exposure is defined as exposure between 5 1/2 and 8 grays. Vomiting and nausea will begin in as little as half an hour after exposure. In addition to symptoms of lower radiation exposure, exposure to very high doses of radiation include low blood pressure, disorientation and dizziness. This level of exposure is very frequently fatal.

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