Bumps on Scrotum: What Are They?
Many bumps on the scrotum are common and not a sign of a serious underlying condition. These include:
* Pimples: These can occur on the scrotum just as they can anywhere on the body. They're usually small and white or black and can be treated with over-the-counter acne medications.
* Cysts: These are fluid-filled sacs that can develop on the scrotum. They're often painless and not a cause for concern.
* Lipomas: These are benign fatty tumors that can develop anywhere on the body, including the scrotum. They're usually soft, movable, and not painful.
* Sperm granulomas: These are small, hard bumps that can develop on the scrotum after vasectomy. They're made up of sperm that have leaked from the vas deferens.
* Hydroceles: These are fluid-filled sacs that surround the testicles. They're often painless and not a cause for concern.
* Epididymal cysts: These are fluid-filled sacs that develop in the epididymis, a small tube that connects the testicles to the vas deferens. They're usually painless and not a cause for concern.
* Varicoceles: These are enlarged veins in the scrotum. They're often painless and not a cause for concern.
Less Common Causes
Some bumps on the scrotum can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, such as:
* Skin cancer: This is the most common type of cancer in men, and it can occur on the scrotum. Squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the most common types of skin cancer that can affect the scrotum.
* Testicular cancer: This is a type of cancer that starts in the testicles. It's the most common type of cancer in men between the ages of 15 and 34.
* Infections: Some infections, such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), can cause bumps on the scrotum. These infections can include herpes simplex, syphilis, and gonorrhea.
When to See a Doctor
See your doctor if you have any bumps on the scrotum that:
* Are painful
* Are growing or changing in appearance
* Are accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, chills, or body aches
Your doctor can evaluate the bumps and determine if any treatment is necessary.