What are speed bumps or red on skin?
1. Cherry angiomas: These are small, bright red, dome-shaped bumps that are caused by clusters of dilated blood vessels. They are common and usually harmless, and do not require any treatment.
2. Senile angiomas: These are similar to cherry angiomas, but they are larger and appear in older adults. They are also harmless and do not require treatment.
3. Spider angiomas: These are collections of tiny blood vessels that resemble a spider's web. They are often seen on the face, neck, chest, and arms. Spider angiomas are usually harmless, but they can sometimes be a sign of liver damage.
4. Pyogenic granulomas: These are small, red bumps that are caused by an overgrowth of blood vessels in the skin. They are often found on the face, hands, and feet. Pyogenic granulomas can be painful and may require treatment to remove them.
5. Hemangiomas: These are noncancerous tumors made up of blood vessels. They can vary in size and appearance, and can be found anywhere on the body. Hemangiomas are usually harmless and do not require treatment, but they can sometimes cause problems such as bleeding, pain, or vision impairment.
6. Nevi (moles): Moles are common skin growths that are made up of pigment-producing cells. They can vary in size, shape, and color, and can be found anywhere on the body. Most moles are harmless, but some can develop into skin cancer, so it is important to monitor them for any changes.
7. Pityrosporum folliculitis: It's a skin condition caused by a type of yeast that normally lives on the skin surface. It manifests as small red bumps or whiteheads on the face, chest, and back.
It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and there are other possible causes of speed bumps or red spots on the skin. If you are concerned about any bumps or spots on your skin, it is always a good idea to see a doctor for evaluation and diagnosis.