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How to Get Rid of Poison Sumac
Things You'll Need
- Long sleeved shirt
- Long pants
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Garden shears
- Herbicide
Cover yourself before you start removing poison sumac. Wear long sleeves, long pants, gloves and goggles. Tie your hair back if necessary. Use vinyl or leather gloves so the urushiol does not penetrate the glove. Revoloutionhealth.com also suggests a cotton glove covered with a plastic glove.
Cut poison sumac plants down to the stump. You can also hand pull them out of the ground.
Bag the cut and pulled plants immediately and securely seal the bag.
Spray a herbicide directly on the roots and soil around the area the poison sumac was growing. Use a shielded sprayer to make sure you don't get the herbicide on other plants.
Contact your local government to find out how to properly dispose of the poison sumac plants you bagged.