Throat Rashes
The type of rash provides a helpful diagnostic clue. A painful red throat with white patches on the tonsils often indicates strep throat, especially when accompanied by headache and fever. A throat rash with an accompanying rash on the chest and abdomen could indicate scarlet fever. Mononucleosis produces a sore throat with a whitish rash on the tonsils. Diphtheria, a respiratory illness, can create a fiber-like gray rash on the inside of the throat.
Treatment of throat rashes varies according to the condition, which may cause them. Doctors prescribe antibiotics for infections like strep throat. Simple treatments to ease soreness include gargling with salt water, eating popsicles and using lozenges.
Take vitamins. Increase fluids, especially water and juices during flu season, and always at the first sign of a sore throat. Use common sense by avoiding close contact with people who may spread germs, and getting plenty of rest.