Male Candida Treatments
Male Candida is a male yeast infection, typically of the penis, mouth or other areas of the body where moisture is common. The cause of Candida in men is exactly the same as in women; it's caused by a proliferation of a yeast-like fungus, known as Candida albicans. Candida albicans is commonly found in the body; however, our "friendly" bacteria usually keeps it in check. Symptoms of Candida of the penis can include redness, itchy rash, discomfort while urinating, loss of libido and ulcerations.-
Dietary Changes
Some foods add to an overgrowth of yeast in the body and should be avoided, particularly if you have Candida. It is recommended that Candida sufferers avoid processed foods, refined sugar, alcohol, wheat and barley. The Candida Diet recommends eating foods with live yogurt cultures, nonstarchy vegetables, seeds, nuts and meat protein.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has been found to be effective in the treatment of male Candida. Pure, unrefined coconut oil has high levels of caprylic acid, which is a potent anti-fungal. Virgin coconut oil is available in most health food stores. Simply rub the coconut oil over the affected areas. If you find that the coconut oil isn't potent enough, you may want to consider other topical anti-fungal treatments.
Topical Anti-Fungal Treatments
Topical anti-fungal treatments may be used to treat Candida. Drying medications, such as Miconazole, can be used to treat the infection. Other topical anti-fungals include Clotrimazole and Nystatin.
Oral Anti-Fungal Treatment
Oral anti-fungal treatment may be necessary for persistent Candida infections. Oral Fluconazole is sometimes used to cure Candida infections that are resistant to topical anti-fungals, homeopathic remedies and dietary changes.