Causes of an Oily Rash on Face
A major factor in an oily skin rash is most often a change in your hormonal make up. Hormones fluctuate naturally through one's life. An adolescent facing puberty faces increased hormone levels on a regular basis. Occurring in both boys and girls, these hormones are intended to help your body develop into a full grown adult. Unfortunately, the side effects of growing up can be hazardous to your appearance. As increased levels of estrogen and testosterone are released in women and men respectively, skin glands react by producing more oil. The oil released from your pores is intended to help keep your skin moist, yet can create a rash when mixed with dead skin cells and dirt in your skin's clogged pores.
Developing a regular face washing routine can be helpful, but unfortunately this problem is one you'll just have to wait out. Seeing a dermatologist can be helpful to discover a cleansing routine that is right for you.
Hormone levels also change during pregnancy in response to the growing life inside of you. Just as in puberty, when hormone levels rise during pregnancy, your skin's natural defense system is to produce increased levels of oil. And again, when this oil combines with dead skin cells and dirt, pores get clogged creating an oily rash on your face.
Just one of the many sacrifices of motherhood, this stage of pregnancy is best served with routine face washing and patience. As your pregnancy progresses and estrogen levels begin to rise, the oily rash on your face may start to ease up and disappear.
If you are on any medication that effects your hormone levels, such as birth control pills or steroids, you may experience the same effects of acne-ridden puberty. Birth control pills introduce hormones to your body in order to control the release of eggs from the ovaries. As your body adjusts to the introduction of regular hormone therapy, your skin's natural defense system may kick in, creating an oily rash on your face.
Steroids work in a similar way, introducing hormones to your body to stimulate muscle growth and the development of male characteristics. Whether used through a prescription for a legitimate ailment or abused illegally, steroids have the effect of creating an oily rash on your face, as well as on other parts of your body. If on a steroid prescription, talk with your doctor about ways to combat this irritating side effect. If abusing steroids, please consider seeking professional medical help.
Oil Based Cosmetics
If you use oil based cosmetics, this can often lead to an oily rash on your face. Research your current cosmetic to determine if it is oil based. Try going a week or so without wearing makeup to determine if that is the actual cause of your oily face rash. Shop around for different cosmetic options that will not introduce extra oil to your sensitive skin.
A diet rich in sugar, salt and grease can lead to oily rashes on your face. Consider reducing these elements from your eating habits. Introduce increased levels of protein, fruits and vegetables to combat your oily skin rash through your stomach. Also be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. This will help skin glands resist the impulse to release oil to keep skin moist.