Zinc & Vitamin C for Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus
According to Medicine Net, "Lichen planus is a recurrent rash that is due to inflammation. The rash is characterized by small, flat-topped, many-sided (polygonal) bumps that can grow together into rough, scaly patches on the skin." The mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or vagina are often sites for lichen planus, though an ideal site is the forearms, legs or ankles. One distinguishable character between it and other skin ailments is its purplish color. Lichen planus is also known as "violaceous."
Lichen planus is itchy and can last for days to weeks, with intermittent recurrences in the same or different site. The bumps are initially 2 to 4mm in diameter, with angular borders, and a violaceous color, though the borders may enlarge, thus causing the rash to spread.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Merely looking at the color and shape of the lesion determines medical diagnosis. Physicians typically prescribe topical steroidal creams for application to the affected area, including prednisone for treatment. To date, there are no professional or medical sources to support the claim of zinc or vitamin C as legitimate remedies of lichen planus.