Diaper Rash in a Baby Girl
There are several symptoms that might appear if your baby girl has a diaper rash. These symptoms include a bright red rash that seems to get larger over time, scaly areas on the skin of the labia and vagina, pimples or pus-filled sores, or scratching of the genital area in older children. Because diaper rashes usually do not spread beyond the area covered by the diaper, if a rash appears to be spreading elsewhere, consult your pediatrician.
The best treatment for a diaper rash is to keep the area clean and dry. If possible, the best course of treatment is to let her diaper area air out. This involves removing the diaper and allowing the child to go without for a period of time. You can lay the baby on a towel and try to keep her like that for as long as possible, though this is nearly impossible if your child is mobile.
Diaper Changes
Refrain from the use of scented wipes and items such as corn starch and talc during diaper changes. Change the diaper often, and put it on loosely. There are also many diaper creams that work well to protect the skin under the diaper from moisture, which may make the rash worse.
Diaper rashes are not always caused by a parent's actions. Diaper rashes are very common in babies between 4 months and 15 months old. They can be caused by acids in the stool from diarrhea; eating acidic foods such as citrus products; and reactions to certain soaps, wipes or detergents. Diaper rashes also can be found in infants who are taking an antibiotic or who are breastfeeding from a mother who is taking an antibiotic.
Other preventable causes include diapers that are too tight and rub the skin, and not keeping the area clean and dry.
When to Call a Doctor
If a diaper rash does not go away within two to three days, a visit to the doctor may be necessary. Your pediatrician can determine if it is, in fact, a diaper rash and can prescribe a topical ointment that will help, or if the diaper rash is being mistaken for a yeast infection, which is also common. In this case, a prescription cream for yeast infections will be prescribed. If your child starts to rum a fever or if the rash turns into pus-filled pimples or blisters, you also should contact your pediatrician.