How do you use tar in a sentence?

Here are a few example sentences using the word "tar":

* The roofers spread hot tar over the shingles to seal them in place.

* The sailors used tar to waterproof the sails of their ships.

* The doctor applied tar to the patient's burn to help it heal.

* The chemist mixed tar with other ingredients to create a new type of plastic.

* The artist used tar to create a sculpture of a bird.

* The tar was so sticky that it was hard to remove from my hands.

* The smell of tar reminded me of my childhood when my father would tar the roof of our house.

* The tar pit was so deep that it was impossible to escape.

* The tarantula was covered in a layer of tar that protected it from predators.

* The tar baby was a mischievous character in the Uncle Remus stories.

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