What does the word patches mean?
1. (in sewing) a small piece of material sewn onto a garment or other object to repair or strengthen it, or for decoration.
* _small patches of leather reinforced the sleeves and the seat_
2. a small area or piece of something different in appearance or character from its surroundings.
* _patches of sunlight filtered through the leaves_
* _I can see patches of ice on the road_
3. (in computing) a program that updates or modifies an existing program or file, typically one that fixes bugs or adds new features.
* _Microsoft has issued a software patch for the bug that crashes Windows XP_
4. (in slang) a person's eye.
* _she's got big blue patches_
5. (in card games, such as poker) a hand consisting of five cards, not all of the same suit and not in sequence.
* _a three-of-a-kind or a pair and three other unpaired cards_
6. (in the plural) an area of irrigated agriculture, as in the desert southwestern US.
7. (in the plural, informal) a pair of trousers that flare at the bottom.