How to Clear Minor Ringworm
Use an anti-fungal cream. Many cases of ringworm can be stopped by using an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream. Choose a cream that contains azole as its active ingredient. If you aren't sure what product to choose, ask a pharmacist. In addition, products that contain tinactin or aftate are effective in controlling ringworm and can reduce the itching. Spread the cream on the outside of the ringworm and work your way in toward the center.
Rotate your shoes because shoes can harbor ringworms. Don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row to give your shoes a chance to air out. In addition, wear loose-fitting clothing if the ringworm is in an area that comes in contact with your clothes. Tight clothes can generate too much heat, causing the ringworm to worsen. Wash your clothes and linens in hot water and bleach to kill any fungi.
Take your pet to the vet. Any pet that has been exposed to a person infected with ringworm could be infected. The pet should be checked thoroughly since pets can be breeding grounds for fungi to grow. Limit contact between the pet and the infected person until the ringworm clears.
Use a medicated shampoo. If you have ringworm in the scalp area, a medicated shampoo can help to keep the infection from spreading. Lather the shampoo well and let it sit on the scalp for four to five minutes before rinsing. Don't scratch the scalp to avoid irritation.