Hot Tubs & Itchy Rashes
Hot tub rash is caused by a type of bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This common bacteria often thrives in hot tubs because of their warm, moist environment.
Hot tub rash causes an itchy, bumpy red rash. The bumps or blisters may be filled with pus. The rash may be worse in areas that had been covered by your bathing suit.
Although hot tub rash usually disappears within a few days, anti-itch medication may help relieve discomfort.
If you have your own hot tub, ensure that chlorine and acid levels are properly maintained. If you are using a hot tub at a spa or hotel, consider bringing your own chlorine test strips (available at home improvement or pool supply stores).
In rare cases, abscesses may develop from hot tub rash.
The bacteria that causes hot tub rash can also live in pools and lakes.