Is Jock Itch Cream the Same As Athlete's Foot Cream?
Athlete's Foot
Symptoms of athlete's foot include itchy, dry, cracked or burning skin, typically between the toes but also in the toenail area and other areas of the foot. The skin may look red or scaly.
Jock Itch
Jock itch is typically found in the groin, in areas where moisture is retained, especially where athletic equipment is worn. It is an itchy, red, burning and scaly rash.
Causes of Tinea Infections
Tinea infections are fungal in nature and contagious. They grow in damp areas, and spread to parts of the body that are often warm or moist.
The treatment for jock itch and athlete's foot is the same, as they have the same cause and are essentially the same ailment, just found in different parts of the body. Typically, an antifungal cream such as Lamisil or Lotrimin is used, and if not effective, an oral antifungal medication will be prescribed.
Preventing tinea infections such as jock itch and athlete's foot includes measures such as wearing footwear in gyms and showers, avoid sharing towels, washcloths, and athletic equipment, drying feet and washing workout wear regularly, and cleaning shared gym equipment regularly.