What Are the Treatments for Itching Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are caused by inflamed veins located in your anus and lower rectum. Most hemorrhoids can be treated with home remedies and lifestyle changes. However, if hemorrhoids become serious enough they may require medication or even surgery.
  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of hemorrhoids include rectal pain, itching, burning, and bleeding.

    Over-The-Counter Medications

    • If you have a mild case of hemorrhoids, your doctor will likely recommend over-the-counter medication to treat symptoms. These include creams, suppositories, and pads.

    Sitz Baths

    • The use of toilet paper is the source of much hemorrhoid-related irritation and itching. Sitz baths are commonly used to relieve this irritation. A sitz bath is a small tub that sits on the toilet and allows the hips and buttock to be submerged in water or saline solution.


    • Creams called counterirritants are commonly used to relieve the itchiness produced by hemorrhoids. These creams provide a cool and soothing feeling, but will not cause the inflamed veins to recede. Creams that include witch hazel, shark liver oil, or hydrocortisone are thought to provide the best relief.

    Petroleum Jelly and Zinc Oxide

    • Petroleum jelly and zinc oxide are some of the best methods for relieving the itchiness caused by hemorrhoids. It is important to use only a cotton ball to apply the petroleum jelly or zinc oxide and that avoid using soap or body wash, which will only make the itchiness worse.

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