How to Get Rid of a Dry Skin Rash That Is Infected
Avoid baths, especially long hot ones. Baths aggravate dry skin by robbing it of its moisture from natural oils. Soap and dirt in the bathwater can also worsen an infection.
Wash with mild soap and water. Do not use alcohol to clean the infected area. Alcohol is drying, which will only make your rash worse.
Use an antibiotic ointment, like Neosporin. Be sure it has a moisturizing base ingredient like petroleum jelly.
Apply hydrocortisone on just the rash to combat itching.
Do not scratch - you will only spread the infection or allow it to penetrate deeper. Keep your nails very short so that you do minimal damage at night, while keeping the infected area bandaged as you sleep.
Continue to moisturize the area around the infection. Petroleum jelly, a quality moisturizing cream and olive oil are all choices that can provide relief. Be sure not to get any in or on your infection.
See a doctor if the area starts to weep or pus. You may have a more serious infection that needs to be treated with a stronger topical antibiotic or an oral antibiotic.