Cures For Ingrown Pubic Hair
Prevention and Treatment
The process of curing an ingrown pubic hair is involved yet important. Treating and curing the ingrown pubic hair will involve preventative measures, moisturizing and regenerating the infected skin as well as defending the area from the infection. Options are topical antiseptics and ointments as well as permanent hair removal.
The less frequently you shave the pubic area, the less chance of getting an ingrown pubic hair. Shave properly when you do shave, such as soaking in hot water before you shave. Use shaving cream and a sharp razor that has not yet been used. Pull your skin with the opposite hand to stretch it out to ensure a closer shave that is less likely to result in an ingrown hair, and shave in the direction of the hair growth, otherwise known as "with the grain."
Now that you have prevention techniques you may need ideas of how to treat and cure ingrown pubic hairs. Immediately after shaving if you feel irritated or itchy, apply Witch Hazel oil to the pubic area.
If you currently have an ingrown pubic hair, do not shave until you have treated it completely. Begin treatment by exfoliating the area. Exfoliating will remove any dead skin cells and clear up the area for new skin to regenerate. You can use a loofa to exfoliate the area, or use one of the many exfoliating scrubs on the market and simply apply and rub it on with your hands. Continuing in the treatment of your ingrown pubic hair, avoid wearing tight fitting clothing.
Another option to cure your ingrown pubic hair is to sit in a sauna for awhile or to take a hot bath. The heat loosens the skin and hair follicles around the ingrown hair and makes it easier for the hair to flex from an angle to straight in the hair follicle. You can attempt to pluck out the ingrown hair with a pair of tweezers as well. If you are successful with this cure, immediately apply hydrogen peroxide after you pull out the ingrown pubic hair to decrease the chances of infection.
If you cannot pull out the ingrown hair with a tweezers, apply Aloe Vera gel to the ingrown pubic hair and the area surrounding it. The Aloe Vera gel has antiseptic properties and will heal the area.