Home Remedy for Treating Rash From Plants

Various kinds of common plants can leave your skin with an itchy rash, and if you enjoy the outdoors, chances are you have come into contact with one of them. Fortunately, you can usually treat a plant-related rash at home with a few simple remedies.
  1. Hydrocortisone Cream

    • Try some hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone cream can help with inflammation, redness and itch associated with the rash. Apply it using a cotton ball three times a day until the rash clears up. Remember not to dip the cotton ball into the cream after using it on your rash; this can contaminate the cream. At least once a day, apply a layer of cream and allow it to dry on your skin, then rinse off with cool water.

    Take an Antihistamine

    • Take an antihistamine. Antihistamines will reduce the swelling of plant rashes and will alleviate any itchiness caused by the rash, which will help you fight the urge to scratch at it. Scratching can help to spread the rash further on your body and can cause a skin infection, so avoid it at all times.

    Splash On Some Vinegar

    • To help clear up the rash and treat your itch, you can also use apple cider vinegar. Dilute some with an equal amount of cold water, then apply it to the rash using a cotton ball. Vinegar is an effective anti-fungal and antibacterial treatment for the skin. You can try this remedy three times a day until the rash clears up. If you opt for vinegar treatments, use hydrocortisone only once each day.


    • Apply a hot or cold compress to your rash. Use can use a compress anytime to help fight itchiness related to a plant rash. Apply a warm towel or cool washcloth to the area for 15 minutes to help reduce swelling and itch. You can even alternate between the two for maximum relief.

    Baking Soda for Blisters

    • If you develop blisters with your rash, make a paste of baking soda and cold water and apply it liberally to your skin. Allow the paste to dry, then rinse it off. Baking soda will help draw out toxins and acts as an anti-fungal. It will also help soothe redness and itch on and around your blisters.


    • If your rash worsens or does not clear up after a week or two, see your doctor.You may need prescription treatment. If you begin to develop symptoms such as lumps, fever, dizziness or vomiting, call your doctor immediately. When recovering from a plant rash, try to avoid the outdoors until your skin has cleared up.

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