How to Treat & Prevent Skin Rashes
Calming the Rash
There are many substances that can calm and soothe an active skin rash. Aloe vera gel is a known anti-inflammatory substance found inside the leaves of an aloe vera plant.
Applying aloe vera gel to a rash will reduce redness, reduce irritation and inflammation, and can soothe burning and dryness. To use aloe vera gel on a skin rash, open up an aloe vera leaf, and scrape out the gel that appears inside. Spread the aloe vera gel onto the rash whenever needed. Another substance that soothes a skin rash is calamine lotion. Calamine lotion reduces itchiness and will dry up a weeping rash. Calamine lotion can be purchased at any drug or grocery store, and can be used as often as needed to reduce itching, puss, and redness. Make sure to shake the bottle of calamine lotion thoroughly in order to ensure that the lotion is heavy with the calamine mineral. Apply the calamine lotion with a cotton pad or cotton swab, or simply use the fingers. Allow the calamine lotion to dry onto the skin.
Preventing Another Rash
There are many causes of a skin rash, the most common are contact with a poisonous plant, exposure to a viral infection, or lack of treatment of an autoimmune condition, such as thyroid disease. To prevent a rash caused by contact with a poisonous plant, avoid walking through thickets and woodlands when wearing shorts, and steer clear of small plants that contain leaves in groups of three, which indicates poison ivy. Avoid touching wooly vines that grow up trees, which indicates poison oak. To prevent a rash caused by a viral infection, keep the hands washed regularly, and use a hand sanitizer throughout the day. To avoid a skin rash due to an autoimmune disease, be sure to take any medication needed in order to control the condition, such as a thyroid replacement hormone if you have a thyroid disease. Make efforts to increase the immune system by taking a vitamin C supplement and a vitamin B complex.