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What Does Ring Worm Look Like on People?
You can catch ringworm from cats that carry the fungus, direct contact with a person who is infected, or contact with contaminated objects such as unwashed clothing, combs or showers.
Scalp Ringworm
Ringworm infections on the scalp often begin as a small pimple that grows into a large and scaly bald patch. Hair often becomes brittle and falls out.
Skin Ringworm
Ringworm on the skin looks like a flat, round patch that eventually develops a clear ring in its center. The area is often itchy.
Nail Ringworm
Infected nails appear discolored and thick; they may disintegrate or crumble.
Ringworm can be treated with antifungal lotions or creams. Keep your skin clean and dry and wash sheets and pajamas every day.