How to Treat Ringworm With Lotrimin

Lotrimin is the brand name of several topical medicines that treat fungal infections--athlete's foot, jock itch and ringworm. Most Lotrimin products treat all three types of fungal infections, although the packaging may specify athlete's foot or jock itch. Lotrimin creams are formulated to be nongreasy and nonstaining. The creams are easy to use, and visible results usually occur in just a few days.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Soap
  • Cloth
  • Lotrimin clotrimazole or Lotrimin Ultra
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      Wash the skin with warm water and a mild soap. Rinse the skin well with cool water. Pat it dry with a soft, clean towel.

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      Open the package of Lotrimin anti-fungal cream and remove the cap. Squeeze an amount approximately half the size of a dime (or larger, if your ringworm lesion is large or you have multiple lesions) onto your index finger.

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      Spread the anti-fungal cream over the entire lesion, plus around the periphery. (Consider the area immediately surrounding the lesion to be infected.)

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      Gently rub it in until most of the cream has been absorbed into the skin. Do not bandage or cover, unless you need to temporarily hide the ringworm lesion. If you must cover it, use a breathable bandage. Air flow to the area helps healing.

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      Continue use once or twice a day for two to four weeks or for the time indicated on the package.

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