Definitions of Skin Rashes
A rash is characterized by a reddish, flush appearance on the skin. The rash my have pimples or boils, depending on the source of the condition. It may also be itchy or painful.
A physician will observe the patient to determine if it is a simple infection, or if the rash is caused by allergies. Samples of the skin may be taken to confirm bacterial infection.
Rashes are caused by allergies such as a reaction to poison ivy or insects. Bacteria causes rashes such as rosacea, folliculitis or cellulitis. Rashes can also be from overproduction of oils produced by the sebaceous glands.
Rashes from allergic reactions are treated with ointments. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. Boils are drained and cleaned to remove the infection.
For rashes from bacteria, washing the area regularly with warm soap and water can prevent infection and outbreak. When hiking in areas where allergens like poison ivy are present, wear long pants and shirts to prevent toxins from rubbing on the skin.