Past Treatment for Shingles

Shingles is a blistering rash caused by the same virus as chickenpox. Modern medicine has drugs to treat symptoms, but there are many treatments from the past that may be used on the rash. None of these are likely to have dangerous side effects, but always check with a doctor before using any home remedies.
  1. Aspirin Soak

    • Crush two aspirins into powder and stir with two tablespoons of acetone nail polish remover. Use a cotton ball to dab on the rash several times a day, avoiding folds in the skin where it may not dry. Don't use this treatment if you are allergic to aspirin.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    • One of the many uses of apple cider vinegar is in soothing itchy rashes. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar with water, and soak a clean cotton cloth in the solution. Wring out the cloth and apply to the rash.

    Calamine Lotion

    • Calamine lotion is an old-fashioned remedy for itches and skin irritation. Dab it on straight, or thin with a small amount of rubbing alcohol, but be sure to use Calamine, not Caladryl.

    Aloe Vera

    • Make a homemade lotion by combining equal parts aloe vera gel, raw honey and leek juice. Apply to the rash several times daily as needed.

    Pear Juice

    • One of the few old-fashioned remedies to be taken internally is pear juice. Drink one cup of pear juice each morning. The caffeic acid in the juice is believed to be a natural antiviral.

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