How to Git Rid of Skin Rashes
Things You'll Need
- Soft towel
- 2 to 3 cups dry oatmeal
- Cotton balls
- Calamine lotion
- Baby powder with cornstarch
Rinse the area affected by the rash immediately if you've been in contact with a poisonous plant. This will remove any remaining urushiol and prevent it from spreading to other parts of your body.
Pat the area dry with a soft towel, or let it air dry for heat rashes. Do not rub. (see ref 1)
Fill a bathtub with cool or lukewarm water and put in a few cups of dry oatmeal. Let the oatmeal soak for about 10 minutes. Soak in the tub for 10-15 minutes--more if necessary. Oatmeal will reduce itching caused by the rash.
Pat yourself dry with the towel or let your body air dry.
Soak a cotton ball with calamine lotion and dab lightly over the affected area. Calamine lotion will dry almost immediately and provide itch relief.
Put powder on areas where heat can become excessive, such as under the armpits, in the groin area, under the breasts or in the creases of your elbows. This will keep the areas dry and help reduce irritation from sweating.