Natural Treatment to Relieve the Itching of Hives

Hives are extremely itchy raised welts, or "wheels" which can appear all over the body as a result of an allergic reaction. Hives can be miserable, but finding what caused them and using natural remedies for the itching can greatly ease the discomfort of hives.
  1. Find the Allergen

    • The best way to relieve hives and keep them from coming back is to single out the cause of the allergy and eliminate it. Think about strange foods or environments you may have experienced. Various foods are common allergens, such as strawberries or shellfish. Medications, stress or environment can all contribute to hives.


    • Cold compresses can dramatically reduce itching from hives. A cool bath can be very helpful as well.

    Kitchen Items

    • Putting baking soda, cornstarch or oatmeal in a cool bath and soaking in it can help relieve the itching. About a cup of all or one of these ingredients in a bath can be very soothing.

    Herbal Remedies

    • Many herbs have natural antihistamine qualities. Drinking tea made with chamomile, basil, oregano, calendula, fennel, tarragon and thyme can be helpful. Ginger is a well known anti-inflammatory as well, and papaya hinders the secretion of histamines. Drinking these herbs as a tea will help, but also cooling the tea in the refrigerator or freezer, soaking compresses in the tea and applying to the itchy area can provide wonderful relief.

    Reduce Stress

    • Stress can trigger an outbreak of hives. Be aware of stressful situations, and plan ways to stay calm. Exercise, soft music, bathing, meditation and prayer will all contribute to stress management. Chamomile, mint, or valerian tea will help you stay calm and keep hive-inducing stress away.

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