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How to Cure Poison Ivy With Vitamin C
Things You'll Need
- Time-released Vitamin C with bioflavenoids tablets
- Cup
- Clean cloths
Take a 1,000 mg Vitamin C tablet daily as soon as you come in contact with the poison ivy. It acts like an antihistamine, plus it reduces inflammation. Vitamin C will help squelch your body's allergic response (itching and swelling) to the poison ivy. The Vitamin C will also help your body cure itself, according to the Hands of Gold website.
Dissolve a Vitamin C tablet in a cup of warm water. Dip the cloth in the water and wring it out so it's not dripping wet. Apply it directly to the poison ivy on your skin. Do this three times a day.
Leave the dissolved Vitamin C on your skin for an hour to cure poison ivy. Then, rinse it off with cool water. Pat the affected areas dry; don't rub them as this will irritate the poison ivy.