Holistic Treatment for Ringworm
According to the Mayo Clinic, a ringworm is a contagious disease of the skin, hair or nails caused by fungi and characterized by ring-shaped discolored blotches on the skin. While ringworm is especially common in children, any person can be infected.-
A delicious tropical fruit that's not only great for eating but healing as well.
Gently rub a slice of papaya on the infected area. A paste made from dry papaya seeds and water can help heal the fungus as well.
Basil Leaves
Juicing basil leaves are great for cooling and relaxing your skin. Juice a couple of handfuls of basil leaves and apply directly to the infected area two to three times a day.
Mustard Seeds
Mustard seeds are great for rashes too. Grind a hand full of mustard seeds into a powder. Add some water to the powder to make a paste. Mustard seeds are considered one of the most successful alternative remedies for ringworm.
Raw turmeric juice can be taken internally or applied externally. Apply the juice to the infected area daily or add a little water and sip it with a desired sweetener of your choice.
Applying a mud pack over the infected area can be very useful. The mud pack should be applied for 30 to 45 minutes twice a day to be effective.