Oatmeal Cure for Poison Ivy
Oatmeal--Not Just for Breakfast
Though it's not the most pleasant bath you'll ever experience, placing two to three cups of oatmeal in a warm bath will coat your body with a protective, powdery film that helps reduce itching for several hours. Alleviating the itch is the best way to help the rash heal, because the skin will not be further damaged by scratching. You can also make a paste out of oatmeal and water, and apply it to affected areas. This may be more preferable, especially if the rash is confined to a small area.
Over-the-Counter Oatmeal Help
Several oatmeal-based treatments are available at the pharmacy, including Aveeno Skin Relief Bath Treatment and Anti-Itch Concentrated Lotion, that contain colloidal oatmeal (ground into a fine powder). Colloidal oatmeal has been used since ancient times to alleviate itching and reduce irritation.
Other Help for Itch Relief
In addition to oatmeal treatments, you can use hyrdrocortisone ointments and calamine lotion to help alleviate the irritation and itch associated with poison ivy.