Skin Bullous Disease
Skin bullous disease results from the actions of your own immune system attacking the cells in your body. Bullous skin diseases usually result in the appearance of blisters or the accumulation of fluid beneath two layers of skin that results in raised bumps, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Types of skin bullous disease include bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, linear IgA bullous disease and dermatitis hepi-formatis.
The exact reason why bullous skin disease occur in some people and not in others are unknown, but doctors believe these conditions are genetic in nature. It is also apparent that the elderly are more susceptible to bullous skin disease than younger people.
Doctors rely upon blood tests and skin biopsies to diagnose bullous skin diseases.
Oral corticosteroids are often used to reduce the inflammation of the skin and suppress the immune system functions that cause bullous skin disease. Immunosuppresant drugs also help limit the effects of the immune system, making them effective treatments for some patients.