How to Reduce Red, Rosy Cheeks-Rosacea
Protect your face from the elements by using a moisturizer that protects your skin from windburn. Choose a moisturizer that has a built-in anti-inflammatory agent like licorice to reduce redness. You can also apply flaxseed oil to moisturize and soothe red skin.
Reduce alcohol intake. The consumption of too much red wine can cause your cheeks to become overly flushed due to the level of sulfites red wine contains. If you must have an alcoholic beverage, stick with sulfite-free wine or try vodka or gin which do not contain ingredients which could promote a rosacea flair-up.
Cut out caffeine and try herbal green teas as an alternative. Green tea works to reduce redness and inflammation.
Avoid foods that are spicy as they can make your skin increasingly flushed after consuming them. Stick with a mild diet and avoid spices like curry, and chipotle.