Can Scabies Be Transferred From Hand Contact?
Scabies are parasites that burrow underneath the skin and lay eggs and live. These eggs hatch and more scabies spread and create itchy pimple-like bumps; the itch is worse at night when the mites are active.
Scabies Rash
The scabies rash can be found on the hands, groin, armpits, breasts and wrists of an individual.
Who Is at Risk?
Anyone in contact with people can get scabies. People most at risk are those in nursing homes, childcare facilities and schools.
Infection through Prolonged Contact
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, scabies can be spread through prolonged skin-to-skin contact such as hand holding, sharing a bed or sexual contact.
Infection through Brief Contact
Only a severe form of scabies, called Norwegian scabies, can be passed on by brief contact like handshakes.
Treat scabies by getting a prescription for a medicated cream such as Elimite, Eurax or Acticin. Use the entire cream to prevent reinfection.