Groin Rash Treatment
Treating Rash Caused by Skin Chafing and Fungal Infection
Wear loose clothing to avoid chafing the skin in the groin area. The body produces heat and if the clothing is too tight, the combination of the friction and the heat will develop into a groin rash. If you are wearing a new pair of blue jeans that have not been washed you will notice the skin next to the jeans will be blue from the dye on the jeans and this can also cause an allergic reaction appearing on the skin as a rash. As the body heats up, it tends to perspire and as a result the pores will open. The groin area is a perfect breeding ground for fungi and the combination of the friction, heat and perspiration can lead to a fungal infection. Your doctor should be consulted and made aware of the rash and what caused it so she can determine if you need an antibiotic or a topical cream to clear the rash.
Treatment of Rash Caused by Dermatitis
Dermatitis is a condition of the skin in the genital or groin area when a skin rash appears as the result of reaction to hygiene products, body powders and sprays. In some cases, the rash can be caused by condoms made of latex to which some people are allergic. Determine what product is causing the rash, stop using it and if the rash does not begin to clear on its own in a day or two, call your doctor to determine what your best treatment options are. Hydrocortisone and steroid creams may be recommended to clear the rash which will take up to four weeks to clear.
Treating Rash Caused by Yeast Infection
Yeast infections can appear as a rash on the groin area, can infect both males and females, and if not treated the condition will be passed from one to the other on a constant basis. When having intercourse use a condom but make sure if it is latex based neither partner is allergic to latex. Wear cotton underwear and loose pants to avoid yeast infections. Bathe instead of showering and avoid using soap on the genitals. Eliminate sugar and alcohol from your diet. Include yogurt in your diet as yogurt contains live cultures of Acidophilus that can prevent yeast infections and if eaten on a regular basis will keep yeast infections from reoccurring.